Thursday, July 16, 2015

The Ghouls among Us: Planned Parenthood Uses Partial-Birth Abortions to Sell Baby Parts **Updated**

There are ghouls among us. Dr. Deborah Nucatola of Planned Parenthood is one of them. 

On this video, she eats salad and drinks wine as she casually describes tearing infants as old as 24 weeks old out of his mothers womb in such a manner as to preserve body parts for sale. She describes the illegal procedure of partial birth abortion- murder even according to the federal code- so as to preserve organs and muscles to sell off to the highest bidder.

“A lot of people want intact hearts these days, because they’re looking for specific nodes,” explained Dr. Deborah Nucatola, Senior Director of Medical Services, to investigators who were posing as a Fetal Tissue Procurement Company last year.
Perhaps most disturbing was the fact that Nucatola calmly discussed the sale of babies’ body parts over lunch. “Like I said, always as many intact livers as possible. People just want – some people want lower extremities too, which, that’s simple. I mean that’s easy,” she said, right before taking a bite of her salad.
Nucatola said each “specimen” could range anywhere from $30 to $100, so abortionists are very careful to try and keep the most lucrative parts intact.
“We’ve been very good at getting heart, lung, liver, because we know that, so I’m not gonna crush that part. I’m going to basically crush below, I’m gonna crush above, and I’m gonna see if I can get it all intact.”
Another bite of salad.
Nucatola then offered some advice to buyers, who she said should contact abortionists before a procedure so the latter knows what the “endgame” is (which body parts they want), for they can then change their techniques accordingly to increase “success.”  HT

She then goes on to justify her actions, saying that laws are up to interpretation. Further, she details a 'clearinghouse' run by Planned Parenthood so that the 'healthcare providers (murderers) would be held harmless from any kind of lawsuit coming from these actions. In other words, this clearinghouse would take the fall for all of the healthcare providers murderers. 

I do not know how you hold the law below to interpretation...

Oh, I guess I do see how they justify it: 

 Actually it is simple. We live in a world that is run by Satan (Ephesians 2:1-3), and people in the world, demonstrated by their wicked ways, show that they are controlled and energized by Satan.  We should not be surprised that those who are controlled by Satan and are of a depraved mind (Romans 1:28) could come up with schemes like this and justify them. 

What are the takeaways for believers? I can think of a few. 

  • We need to redouble our efforts in our churches and households to train and disciple people as to the value of life as well as the connection between obedience and loving God.
  • Whether you spend time ministering at Abortion Clinics, or in the coffee shop on the corner- we need to win people to Christ. It is the only way that this evil can be done away with in our time by changing the very character and nature of those who support abortion and other wicked practices.
    • Abortion is a modern holocaust- we must speak up for life. How and when you do it is up to you, doing it is no longer an option. 
  • Talk to those you have spoken to before that disagree about abortion, and see if they still feel the same way after this news. Then share the gospel with them. 
  • Look up- Jesus is coming soon! 
  • This is an issue that can be dealt with by our government, as there are laws. Contact your congressman, senator, and legislature and DEMAND that the law is enforced in this case and defund Planned Parenthood. 
This is an issue of justice in our time, and I believe the church is largely asleep and silent on the issue. We must wake up- and take action to stand up and speak for those who cannot speak for themselves. Their blood comes from the ground and accuses us in our inaction and apathy. It is in part because of our inaction and silence that the atrocity of abortion continues in our country. 

Rise up Church! 


A second video has surfaced.....this woman wants a Lamborghini

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